Deployment Production

Production is final stage when distributed and deliver built applications going public. Surely, all functional feature already checked and tested by product owner.

Production Phase

Same with staging phase deployment, on production we do with autodevops on gitlab ci. Production pipeline will triggered when project owner or deployment team accept your pull request merge to master branch.

We determine with 3 stage process on production pipeline :

  • build
  • release
  • deploy

1. build

Jobs will build final contarize image from Dockerfile and tagged same with file version on your project folder.

File version convention with semantic versioning 2.0.0, concern this note when you change it.

example :
2 = major
1 = minor
2 = patch

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

reference: semantic version v2.0.0


Please keep mind, file version needed to change if you ready to production, dont change if not ready deploy to production.

2. release

Release stage is push/upload successfull built container image to our registry image.

3. deploy

Deploying will automatically detect orcinus-production.yml , this will run on container production enviroment.

Production Deployment Note

  1. On monorepo project, change your version on file version
  2. On legacy repositories, tag your version and commit push to new version
    Given tag <release_date>-<increment_number>
    example : 19092020-01
            19092020 = release date 19 September 2020 
            01 = release number 1 base on date
  3. Assignee your project owner on your pull request to review it