Developer Standard

Style Guide

Software engineers must use these conventions to make the code more secure also more readable by another engineer:

  1. For code style, use the standard such as:

    1. Python
      • PEP-0257 - python officially recommends to follow the high-level docstring conventions. This describes how the classes, functions, and codes should be documented and how this really helps for code readability.
      • PEP-3101 - This is the new system for built-in string formatting operations, intended as a replacement for the existing ‘%’ string formatting operator.
      • PEP-0008 - python coding style guidelines which strongly recommend naming conventions, comments, formatting and lot more...
      • GPSG - Google Python Style Guideline talks about do’s and don'ts for python programs and it explains technically with proof and concepts.
      • Python Anti-Patterns - provides anti-pattern with a technical explanation of best practices and it covers anti-pattern for Django framework also.
      • Reference : The Hitchhikers Guide to Python - the book written by Kenneth and Tany, this book covers lots of recommended best practices from the section called Writing Great Python Code. will use PEP-8
    2. PHP will use PSR-0, PSR-1 or PSR-2
  2. Meaningless / ambiguous variable name should not be used.

  3. Default language for any messages such as comments, warning, error, etc. will be using English and not using Bahasa Indonesia

Commit Message Guide

We use the pattern bellow for commit message:

Add: <your commit message>
Update: <your commit message>
Remove: <your commit message>
Fix: <your commit message>
  • Add: for feature additions.
  • Update: for feature update.
  • Remove: for feature dropping, etc.
  • Fix: for bug fixing, style, etc.


For every code and function, there must be a comment. Refer to PEP-8, the comment must:

  • Complete sentence, its first word should be capitalized, unless it is an identifier that begins with a lower case letter
  • If a comment is short, the period at the end can be omitted
  • Use two spaces after a sentence-ending period
  • Use English