Task Board
On gitlab we manage workitems and task from issues. You can create any issue and assign to yourself or another person on your teams. Once you create an issue, dont forget set issues on task board to track progress report.
On gitlab, We provide important boards to manage your progress issues. Defined task board step:
Task Board Step
1. Open
First time you create issue, default is on open board. When issue on open board may still discussing or as a backlog.
2. To Do
Plan and manage a strategy to resolve your issue.
3. Doing
Start activity to resolving issues.
4. Done
Completed task and ready to deliver(as ussually on staging deployment).
5. Tested
Checked and tested by product owner
6. Closed
Closes issue when ready on Production (autoclose issues by tag close #
Keep update and track your progress issue. We warn a notify when you lefting issue for 5 days without any progress.